Stink Tanks

E’ uscito il rapporto del Center for Media and Democracy sullo State Policy Network, un gruppo di benevoli consulenti dei politici americani, finanziato da aziende pro Tea Party per smentire l’evidenza scientifica e difendere i propri interessi. Lucroso.

  • While it has become an $83 million dollar right-wing empire, SPN and most of its affiliates do not post their major donors on their websites. The identities of the donors we have discovered reveal that SPN is largely funded by global corporations — such as Reynolds American, Altria, the e-cigarette company NJOY, Microsoft, AT&T, Verizon, Facebook, the for-profit online education company K12 Inc., GlaxoSmithKline, Kraft Foods, Express Scripts, Comcast, Time Warner, and the Koch- and Tea Party-connected DCI Group lobbying and PR firm — that stand to benefit from SPN’s destructive agenda, as well as out-of-state special interests like the billionaire Koch brothers, the Waltons, the Bradley Foundation, the Roe Foundation, and the Coors family — who are underwriting an extreme legislative agenda that undermines the traditional rights of modern Americans.
  • Although SPN’s affiliates are registered as educational nonprofits, several appear to orchestrate extensive lobbying and political operations to peddle their legislative agenda to state legislators, despite the IRS’s regulations on nonprofit political and lobbying activities.
  • SPN and its affiliates push an extreme right-wing agenda that aims to privatize education, block healthcare reform, restrict workers’ rights, roll back environmental protections, and create a tax system that benefits most those at the very top level of income.
  • SPN and many of its affiliates are some of the most active members and largest sponsors of the controversial ALEC, where special interest groups and state politicians vote behind closed doors on “model” legislation to change Americans’ rights, through ALEC’s task forces. SPN has close ties to, and works with, other national right-wing organizations like the Franklin Center and David Koch’s Americans for Prosperity.

Grassetto mio, per chi vuol cambiare fornitore.
Al Congresso nel frattempo, il Tea Party obbedisce agli ordini e tenta di vietare le ricerche su temi sgraditi ai padroni e di rendere l’open access obbligatorio dopo 2 o 3 anni, invece degli attuali 6-12 mesi,  rif. Science insider


In Nuova Zelanda invece, la Corte d’appello di Wellington ha condannato il Climate Education (sic) Trust – CET – a pagare $80.000 al National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. Il CET gli aveva intentato una causa – era stato creato apposta da una succursale dello Heartland, la Climate Science (sic) Coalition – con l’accusa di truccare i dati delle temperature, usando apposta un metodo fallace.

Con i costi del primo processo fanno $200.000, più quelli dell’appello saranno minimo 350 mila. Be, potranno farseli rimborsare dalla casa madre – si ride da Hot TopicHot Topic (prima e dopo). L’avvocato del CET frigna sul sito aziendale.


Da far (ri)leggere a chi nega il rapporto tra la “distruttività” di Hainya e i cambiamenti climatici in corso:

Kerry Emanuel, Nature 2005;

Elsner et al., Nature 2008 h/t Riccardo

Kerry Emanuel, PNAS 2013

5 commenti

  1. Data: 14 Novembre
    Ore 11:59
    località: appennino centrale
    altitudine: 500 slm
    God bless the Global Warming —– (if it really exists)

  2. “Chi ha la casa in montagna / col Global Warming ci guadagna”
    con buona pace degli intellettuali al servizio del potere 😉

  3. e chi ha la casa al mare con il global warming scompare?
    Io vivo al mare ma con la montagna subito alle spalle, mi sento un privilegiato.

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