Riservato a passanti di sesso maschile.
Sul BJU International, Herman Bagga – già coautore del celebre “Pubic hair grooming injuries” – et al. dell’università della California, San Francisco, pubblicano “Zip-related genital injury“.
- To describe the epidemiology of genital injuries caused by trouser zips and to educate both consumers and the caregivers of patients who sustain such injuries.
Patients and Methods
- The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, a dataset validated to provide a probability sample of patients who present to emergency departments (EDs) in the USA with injuries, was analysed to characterize zip-related genital injuries occurring between 2002 and 2010.
- A total of 523 cases were analysed to obtain national estimates.
- Between 2002 and 2010, an estimated 17?,616 patients presented to US EDs with trouser zip injuries to the genitals.
- The penis was almost always the only genital organ involved.
- Zip injuries represented nearly one-fifth of all penile injuries.
- Amongst adults, zips were the most frequent cause of penile injuries.
- Annual zip-related genital injury incidence remained stable over the study period.
- Zip-related genital injuries affect both paediatric and adult cohorts.
- Practitioners should be familiar with various zip-detachment strategies for these populations.
Per chi ne sente la mancanza
– in Nuova Zelanda, oltre allo standstill del GW che non c’è mai stato, Sua Signoria dalla saracinesca rosa promuove
Rise Up Australia Party, whose leader, Pastor Daniel Nalliah, says that the awful 2009 Black Saturday fires in Victoria were God’s retribution for that state’s abortion laws?
in mezzo alla peggior siccità degli ultimi 70 anni.
– Philip Lloyd è un ingegnere nucleare e climate change denier sudafricano, secondo il quale:
The quantity of CO2 we produce is insignificant in terms of the natural circulation between air, water and soil. I am doing a detailed assessment of the UN IPCC reports and the Summaries for Policy Makers, identifying the way in which the Summaries have distorted the science.
Per cui ha fatto causa al Ministero per l’ambiente colpevole di un manifesto con la scritta
The earth’s temperature is increasing. Unless we play our part, this will have serious consequences on our water systems which is not good for a continent already in short supply of fresh water.
che a suo avviso era menzognera. L’ha persa.
– David Whitehouse della GWPF ripete le solite bufale in Global Warming Standstill, che sarebbe iniziato nel 1998. David Rose se le beve come al solito.
A proposito della realtà, invece:
– Phil Plait, No, Global Warming Has NOT Stopped
– Skeptical Science, David Rose Hides the Rise in Global Warming.
– Tamino analizza l’andamento annuo della superficie della banchisa antartica,
– Neven segue quello del volume della banchisa artica,
– Stoat si chiede quando l’Artico sarà quasi libero dal ghiaccio estivo,
– il lagomorfo segnala l’accorpamento delle temperature ricostruite da Shakun et al. e da Marcott et al., di quelle misurate da HadCrut4 e proiettate nello scenario A1B del V rapporto IPCC.
Luserna marziana?
Curiosity, che si sta riprendendo da un’amnesia parziale, ha frammentato il sasso Tintina che dentro è bianchiccio. Speriamo che non abbia emesso un “flusso di neutroni collimato”, poverina, con gli acciacchi che si ritrova.