
Peter Sinclair pubblica un’antologia delle oscenità ricevute dai perseguitati da Big Oil & Carbon, per soli adulti.  Sul lato comico, nei commenti il noto esponente di Forza Gnoc’-Uk tenta di battere il proprio record di ipocrisia.

Comprare senatori e magistrati perché mettano Michael Mann sulla graticola non è servito, Big Carbon è ridotta a raccattare su Facebook astroturfisti che si fingono “lavoratori del carbone” e chiedono alla Penn State University di censurare la conferenza di uno dei suoi ricercatori più prestigiosi. Penn State gli ha mandati a ranare.

Attraverso la stessa lobby, Big Carbon fornisce un’esilarante lettera da inviare ai giornali, scritta in lavoratore-del-carbonese. Epicenter secondo me non ci voleva, meno male che nell’ultimo paragrafo c’è un apostrofo dopo Pennsylvanian.

La ricopio prima che Big Carbon la faccia sparire (link miei ai dati reali):

Is there an end to the series of failed “investigations’ these days at Penn State? The university led an investigation of the Climategate scandal, with PSU professor Michael Mann at its epicenter, and found no wrongdoing by Professor Mann.  Seriously?
Mann’s own emails, which have now become public, clearly show that he puts political views ahead of good science with regard to global warming theories.
Why does Penn State continue to openly support someone who clearly has a political axe to grind with an industry that is so important to the Commonwealth? Mann will once again lodge an attack on an industry that employs tens of thousands in Pennsylvania.  On February 9th, he will present to the Penn State Forum Speaker’s Series regarding his views on global warming, but we all know that the speech will largely be an attack on the coal industry.
Coal keeps electricity affordable for all Pennsylvanians.  Coal provides nearly 50% of our nation’s electricity.  Coal is 80% cleaner today than 30 years ago.  We need coal in Pennsylvania – for affordable electricity for our homes and business and for jobs in our communities.
Mann’s disdain for the coal industry and the Pennsylvanian’s who rely on it is well-known.  Now, Penn State leadership should have the courage and integrity to re-open the Climategate investigation and stop supporting this extreme political activist disguised as an “academic”.
