Dall’edizione inglese dell’Asahi Shimbun, 4/7
FUKUSHIMA–Radioactive cesium levels found in moss on a rooftop in downtown Fukushima exceeded 1.7 million becquerels, the highest levels detected in a year, researchers said.
Ryoji Enomoto, an associate professor at the University of Tokyo’s Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, who led the team, said radioactive cesium levels were unusually high in the samples collected.
Idem, 9/7
Tokyo Electric Power Co. said radioactive cesium levels in a well at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant on July 8 were 90 times higher than those measured at the same site just three days earlier.
TEPCO said July 9 that cesium levels of 27,000 becquerels per liter, the highest cesium levels found since the onset of the March 2011 nuclear disaster, were detected in water samples a day earlier from a well on the seaward side of the No. 2 reactor building.
“It is unclear whether the radioactive water is leaking into the sea,” a TEPCO official said. “After gathering needed data, we will conduct analyses.”
Idem, 10/7
Radioactive cesium levels at a well on the premises of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant on July 9 were more than 100 times higher than those measured at the same site just four days earlier, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said.
TEPCO said July 10 that 33,000 becquerels of cesium levels per liter, compared to 309 becquerels on July 5, were detected in water samples collected on July 9 from a well on the seaward side of the No. 2 reactor building. The figure means that cesium levels increased by an additional 20 percent from 27,000 becquerels measured a day earlier.
It is the highest level found since the onset of the March 2011 nuclear disaster.
Le analisi sono sul sito della TEPCO.
– per il punto sui ghiacci artici, rimando a Neven;
– attorno all’Antartide i ghiacci marini crescono normali, ma i ghiacciai terrestri hanno appena perso un pezzo-
Se non è WIS, è PIG, dall’AWI 9/7
Yesterday (8 July 2013) a huge area of the ice shelf broke away from the Pine Island glacier, the longest and fastest flowing glacier in the Antarctic, and is now floating in the Amundsen Sea in the form of a very large iceberg. Scientists of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research have been following this natural spectacle via the earth observation satellites TerraSAR-X from the German Space Agency (DLR) and have documented it in many individual images. The data is intended to help solve the physical puzzle of this “calving”.
Video dello “svitellamento”. La superficie dell’iceberg è di 740 km2, quasi la città di Amburgo, dice Angelika Humbert.
Da Climalteranti, Riccardo Reitano suddivide nelle quattro stagioni il riscaldamento italiano e lo paragona a quello globale. Il IV Rapporto IPCC che cita all’inizio aveva ragione nel prevedere un maggior aumento delle temperature estive nel Mediterraneo, ma nel 2007 era facile. Lo scriveva già il mitico Manabe (et al, anche il mitico Wetherald…) nel I Rapporto del 1990, WG1, capitolo 5, pagina 158. Previsione al 2030, scenario “business as usual”:
Southern Europe (35-50°N, 10W-45E)
The warming is about 2°C in winter and varies from 2 to 3°C in summer. There is some indication of increased precipitation in winter, but summer precipitation decreases by 5 to 15%, and summer soil moisture by 15 to 25%.
Finora vale anche per quest’anno.
I dati NOAA danno per l’Europa meridionale (definita come nel I Rapporto IPCC) un trend di riscaldamento estivo di 0.52 °C/decennio dal 1980. Se questo trend continuasse avremmo si 2.6 °C di anomalia nel 2030, ma rispetto al 1980, non rispetto al periodo preindustriale. Allarmista l’IPCC, eh?