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Graphic of poll result

Dopo l’arresto all’alba di sette dei suoi dirigenti, al Baur au Lac di Zurigo,  la FIFA comunica

We are pleased to see that the investigation is being energetically pursued for the good of football and believe that it will help to reinforce measures that FIFA has already taken.

Ieri Football Addicts e Transparency International comunicavano 

A poll of more than 35,000 football fans in 30 countries released before the election to pick the next president of FIFA, world football’s governing body, showed that four out of five fans do not think Sepp Blatter should stand for the post and 69.2 per cent said they had no confidence in FIFA.
The poll was to assess how the effects of corruption and poor governance at FIFA is perceived by fans who will have no say in the vote. Only the representatives of the 209 football federations that make up FIFA are eligible to vote on 29 May in Zurich.

Il seguito a cura di Matt Apuzzo e Michael Schmidt del NY Times, who broke the news.


Arrestati in Pakistan anche il presidente di Axact (presunte università on-line) diventato milionario con lo spaccio di false lauree, rivelava il NY Times dieci giorni fa. Erano riusciti a far togliere un articolo sulle loro attività imprenditoriali uscito su Forbes, ma il NY Times non aveva ceduto. In cima al sito aziendale c’è tuttora

Truth Prevails, Forbes removes story



Ieri citavo Michael Mann sull’Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity e la frase di Gavin Schmidt sul risc. glob.,

We are a society that has inadvertently chosen the double-black diamond run without having learnt to ski first. It will be a bumpy ride. 

Oggi The Cryosphere pubblica – gratis – due paper sui ghiacciai, quello di Joseph Shea et al. che stima il loro andamento in Nepal, e di Luca Carturan et al. su quelli dell’Ortles-Cevedale che rimpiccioliscono anch’essi con una variabilità locale che crea problemi per i modelli.

Gavin Schmidt et al. pubblicano il rapporto sulle stime – da 1,5 a 5 K – e i modelli dell’ECS discussi in marzo allo Schloss Rindberg – che è in montagna ma dalle foto non sembra che ci fosse abbastanza neve per sciare.

E nel 1904 Thomas Huxley e Richard Gregory pubblicavano una stima dell’ECS  in funzione dell’accumulo di CO2 in atmosfera, scrive John Russell su ATTP. Estratto della sua citazione:

It has been shown that a diminution of carbon dioxide to two-thirds of its present amount would probably lower the average temperature of the northern regions of the earth by at least 99°F., and hence produce the climate of the Great Ice Age. On the other hand, an increase to triple the present amount, that is, to about one per cent, in the air, would probably produce a rise in temperature amounting to thirty to forty degrees, and thus convert the deserts of polar ice into regions warm enough for the development of a rich and flourishing flora as they were in former ages. There is thus substantial reason for believing that variations of climate in the past could have been caused by slight variations in the proportion of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere.

Il resto era sbagliato, ma 30 – 40 ° F =  1,1 – 4,4 °C…

2 commenti

  1. Ci sono stato per una confernza al Ringberg Schloss. Bellissimo ma da italiano non la chiamerei di certo montagna ;P

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