Trump Watch

Nature raggruppa sulla stessa pagina “news”, “features” e “opinions” sul nuovo governo USA, è la prima volta che succede da quando sono abbonata. Un articolo dell’Independent suggerisce che ne servirebbe una per ogni governo.

Grazie alla “guerra contro i media” ribadita sabato dal Potus durante il suo discorso nella sede della CIA, dal suo capo uff. stampa e dalla sua consigliera, ci sarebbe stato un secondo boom di abbonamenti e visite a New York Times, Washington Post, ProPublica, Political Facts ecc.

Visto il successo di “alternative facts” scelto dalla consigliera come eufemismo per bufale, forse dovrei cambiare il tag.


There was no “pause”, cont.
Su Real Climate, Rasmus Benestad spiega la non pausa nell’aumento tendenziale della temperatura

It is important to realize that science is about universal truths, which means that you should get a consistent picture in a comprehensive analysis. The idea of a hiatus was indeed inconsistent with other indicators, such as the global sea level which continued to rise unabated (Watson et al, 2015). And there was no reason to think that changes in the cryosphere and precipitation had ceased either.

I realize, l’energia aggiunta dai gas serra mica svanisce magicamente. Però lo iato o rallentamento temporaneo ha prodotto ricerche sui fattori di variabilità naturale – oltre alla Niña – che ne quantificano meglio l’effetto. Non è stato tempo sprecato. Sotto c’è un commento diverso dai soliti:

No comments yet? I’m no climate scientist…not even close…but please let’s read some comments…or is it so “factual” that no discussion is needed…even after the Trump victory…I appreciate, deeply, deeply, the work and effort done on this site…I only understand a minutia of what is being discussed…but I know it involves the future of the entire planet, all sentient beings, all of the globe…many, many thanks to those who run this site and…despite the attacks you’ve endured and will, no doubt now will endure, keep running it. I’m only a neophyte in all this but I appreciate the comments, even if I don’t quite understand them. I know you have the fate of earth as your goal…


Il pane tostato, le patate fritte e il rischio di cancro associato all’acrilammide: 2010, 2013, 2017. Prima di rinunciare

Cancer Research UK say that “At the moment, there is no strong evidence linking acrylamide and cancer.

This lack of evidence is not for want of trying. A massive report from the European Food Standards Agency (EFSA) lists 16 studies and 36 publications, but concludes

In the epidemiological studies available to date, AA intake was not associated with an increased risk of most common cancers


Giovanni Tarantino-Carmine Finelli: 24 plagi a 17
Al punteggio di entrambi, si è aggiunta una rassegna: “Systematic review on intervention with prebiotics/probiotics in patients with obesity-related nonalcoholic fatty liver disease”, Future Microbiology (2015)

Al punteggio del primo,
  • un montaggio di vecchi abstract insieme al co-autore abituale Domenico Capone: “Inhibition of the mTOR pathway: a possible protective role in coronary artery disease”, Ann. Med., 45 (2013)
  • un riciclaggio di plagi precedenti insieme a Silvia Savastano e Annamaria Colao: “Hepatic steatosis, low-grade chronic inflammation and hormone/growth factor/adipokine imbalance”, sulla rivista preferita World J. Gastroenterol., 16 (2010):

Five re-uses of someone else’s text within six years is probably not a record, but it still deserves to be celebrated.

6 commenti

    1. you do, Smut Clyde, but WordPress hides them somewhere – hilarious post.

      leggo la lettera di Miedico e scrivo qualcosa oggi.

  1. Giovanni Tarantino-Carmine Finelli: 24 plagi a 17
    Does that count Finelli & Tarantino (2012), “Should visceral fat, strictly linked to hepatic steatosis, be depleted to improve survival?”
    Extensive borrowing is now confirmed.
    THe paper turns out to be a slightly longer version of Finelli et al. (2013), “Should visceral fat be reduced to increase longevity?”
    It differs by including a few more sections, each plundered from earlier publications, that were omitted from the 2013 version. In compensation, the 2013 version includes three more authors (Sommella, Gioia, and La Sala), but it is hard to see what they contributed.
    And a new arrival at PubPeer!

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