Altro che scie chimiche

Dopo questa pubblicazione di Tamas Gombosi et al., mi sembra strano che i parlamentari marcianovisti non abbiano già interpellato mezza dozzina di ministeri. Assaggio:

Another unexpected impact of the high-altitude nuclear tests [durante la guerra fredda, ndr] was the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that can have devastating effects over a large geographic area (as large as the continental United States). Other anthropogenic impacts on the space environment include chemical release experiments, high-frequency wave heating of the ionosphere and the interaction of V[ery]L[ow]F[frequency] waves with the radiation belts.

Com. stampa della NASA di oggi. Stessa data, da un editoriale di Nature 

Why US nuclear sites are a ticking time bomb

The United States is still fighting the cold war. Thousands of its citizens had to take shelter last week because of the threat of radiation from nuclear weapons. But the opponent is no longer the Soviet Union. The enemy now is the legacy of an arms race and decades of government indifference to the mess that has been left behind.

On 9 May, the roof collapsed in a tunnel that houses highly radioactive waste at the US Department of Energy’s sprawling Hanford site in Washington state. The tunnel is one of a pair that together shield 36 radioactive railway carriages, once used to carry nuclear fuel for reprocessing to plutonium. [… ]

The incident is yet another alarming reminder of the risks posed by pollution at nuclear-weapons facilities in the United States and around the world. It could have been much worse. And without serious and sustained efforts to clean up these ageing facilities, one day it will be.


In attesa che lo faccia Steph (invece di occuparsi dell’aumento delle temperature estreme), Piers Forster festeggia i 50 anni del modello climatico di Syukuro Manabe e Richard Wetherald, “Thermal Equilibrium of the atmosphere with a given distribution of relative humidity“.

Cita anche quello di James Hansen et al., “Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxyde“, uscito del 1981 quando la concentrazione di CO2 atmosferica era passata da 300 ppm nel 1880 a 340 e i grafici di Science erano ancora in bianco e nero. I fan ricordano con affetto la figura 6, e le osservazioni aggiornate al 2010 da Geert Jan van Oldenborgh e Rein Haarsma, KNMI, per Real Climate:

Le proiezioni sono tuttora accusate di allarmismo, eppure sottostimavano la tendenza del riscaldamento globale.

1 commento

  1. “una variazione epigenetica è un cambiamento nei caratteri di un organismo tramite un modo diverso con cui si manifesta un certo gene”
    AH AHA HA HA !!!!!!

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