La banda Tarantino-Finelli cont.

Il ministero cinese per la scienza cerca di difendere la propria reputazione. Da Nature

China’s science ministry announced on 27 July that 486 authors were guilty of misconduct in a scandal concerning fake peer reviews. […] The ministry found 172 authors responsible for the fraud; the remaining 314 were found guilty of neglecting their  obligations as supervisors. Another 11 authors were cleared of wrongdoing, and 24 are still under investigation. Those guilty of misconduct face punishments including temporary bans on conducting research, having grant proposals cancelled, being forced to return funding and losing awards.

Perfino Hindawi, un editore open access di manica larghissima, cerca di difendere la propria reputazione. Ha ritrattato uno dei plagi di Carmine FinelliSaverio Gioia e Nicolina La Sala, uscito sulla rivista Obesity nel 2012 – h/t Retraction Watch.
Il MIUR no?


Ogni tanto si parla dello strano blob freddo nel nord Atlantico. Su Nature Climate Change, Florian Sévellec et al. spiegano che è dovuto alla fusione della banchisa artica e che sta modificando l’Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Non è un buon segno, dicono. Com. stampa di Yale.


Francesco Uboldi e Cristian Lussana hanno ripulito – una faticaccia spiegata qui – un insieme di dati dell’ARPA Lombardia sulle piogge locali e mentre c’erano, ne hanno approfittato per analizzare i picchi. In sostanza, scrivono sull’International Journal of Climatology,

The main conclusion of the present study  is that a change in rainfall extreme value statistics has been found for, to our knowledge, the first time in Italy. This change regards the period 1950–2005, relevant for the effects of anthropogenic global warming (although attribution to anthropogenic rather than natural variability is not in the scope of the present study).

Stanno calando gli acquazzoni e aumentando i diluvi:

Such changes in climatology have practical importance, because stationarity is a customary assumption when rainfall annual maxima frequencies are estimated for civil engineering.

E a quelli che “ne uccide più il freddo” raccomando Eun-Soon Im et al., Deadly heat waves projected in the densely populated agricultural regions of South Asia, oggi su Science Advances in open access:

Despite their relatively low GHG per capita emissions, India (and more so China) is responsible for much of the recent rise in global emissions. The findings from this study may present a significant dilemma for India because the continuation of this current trajectory of rising emissions will likely impose significant added human health risks to some of its most vulnerable populations.

grassetto mio.


I bigoilisti nominati da Trump censureranno il rapporto delle agenzie federali statunitensi

a technical prelude to the fourth National Climate Assessment, a legally mandated analysis of the causes and impacts of global warming that is due in 2018 [?]

chiede Jeff Tollefson su Nature. 

Be’ sì. Se si venisse a sapere che dalle parti di Mar-a-lago aumentano le alluvioni, il club turistico del Potus perderebbe valore.


Genome editing

Nature ha anticipato on line il paper del gruppo diretto da Shoukhrat Mitalipov. In Corea del Sud e in Cina, hanno provato a “correggere” un allele paterno difettoso in 54 ovuli fecondati in vitro, usando la tecnica CRISPR-Cas9. Il risultato è meno perfetto di com’era stato annunciato da Ars Technica. La correzione avviene circa 2 volte su tre, ma non ogni volta nello stesso modo.

Sarei per aspettare conferme o almeno la post-peer review…

6 commenti

    1. maresciallo Stefano,

      smut clyde,
      thanks, but I’m not going to buy that chapter…
      His affiliation is interesting, a large hospital in Naples. He was on temporary leave from the small “azienda sanitaria” of Lagonegro in the province of Potenza, from
      1/06/2016 al 31/01/2017, per aver ricevuto incarico di lavoro a tempo
      pieno e determinato dalla ASL Napoli 3 Sud 239

      The “Dear plagiarist” seems to have been rewarded with a promotion.

  1. In Google Preview
    it appears to be an extended version of a paper already published in EXCLI-J ( and then again in an OMICS journal (–role-as-possible-new-anti-obesity-treatment-2165-7904.1000228.pdf) with a slightly different author list. So you can save your money.
    An anonymous contributor at PubPeer identified the major sources of text for that original version.

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