Come sopravvivere alla disinformazione

Sullo European Journal of Clinical Studies John Ioannadis et al. pubblicano un altro articolo che li renderà popolari tra i ricercatori biomed (1):

How to survive the Medical Misinformation Mess

The Medical Misinformation Mess comprises four key problems. First, much published medical research is not reliable or is of uncertain reliability, offers no benefit to patients, or is not useful to decision makers. Second, most healthcare professionals are not aware of this problem. Third, they also lack the skills necessary to evaluate the reliability and usefulness of medical evidence. Finally, patients and families frequently lack relevant, accurate medical evidence and skilled guidance at the time of medical decision-making.

Come se non bastasse:

People are bombarded with medical news stories, television and radio talk shows, social media, pop culture magazines, spurious websites, direct-to-consumer drug and medical device ads, hospital marketing messages and other media sources, much of which are incomplete or wildly inaccurate.

Per produttori e consumatori di informazioni biomed, la soluzione sta nell’allenare lo spirito critico:

reinforce the importance of mastering critical appraisal and communication skills in every day’s practice.

Ovvio e necessario, ma poco conveniente finché il sistema accademico, economico e mediatico si basa sul fare audience e reclutare clienti…

(1) Ai cronisti che seguono la ricerca biomed, e a chi sa l’inglese, raccomando di leggere o rileggere Why most published research findings are false.


In tema, Retraction Watch racconta come diventare co-autore di un paper per $300. 


Come sopravvivere tout court

Florida’s Poop Nightmare Has Come True 

Hurricane Irma caused massive sewage overflows, highlighting the twin dangers of an aging infrastructure and climate change.

Ma con rare eccezioni, tutta l’infrastruttura degli USA è vecchia e pericolante dice l’American Society of Civil Engineers’ Report.

In the days and hours before Hurricane Irma slammed into Florida, its residents were treated to copious media speculation about nightmare scenarios. This monster storm, journalists said, could bring a 15-foot storm surgeblow roofs off of buildings, and cause tens of billions of dollars in damage. But perhaps no scenario seemed more dire than the one Quartz warned about the day before Irma made landfall: “Hurricane Irma will likely cover South Florida with a film of poop.”

Quartz’ apparent hyperbole turned out to be an understatement. Pollution reports submitted to Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection show that, due to power outages and flooding caused by Irma, human waste has been spilling into streets, residences, and waterways across the entire state.

Coincidenza, il gruppo Nature pubblica la nuova rivista open access Clean Water.

5 commenti

  1. Ricordo di aver letto tempo fa un articolo sui problemi presenti e futuri di Miami; fra questi era citato il sistema fognario. Morale della storia: ignorare la realtà ti fa finire, in questo caso letteralmente, nella merda.

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