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Allotropi del carbonio e sesso del citans a parte, oggi i media ci vanno a nozze. Alla convention repubblicana, l’ultima signora Trump ha pronunciato un discorso sull’onestà, l’integrità e il duro lavoro necessari per sposare un maturo miliardario, che vengono ricompensati da una società al contempo meritocratica e giusta.
L’elettorato del GOP era tutt’orecchi perché il discorso era stato annunciato in fanfara:

Mr Trump’s communications adviser Jason Miller issued a statement saying: “In writing her beautiful speech, Melania’s team of writers took notes on her life’s inspirations, and in some instances included fragments that reflected her own thinking… Meanwhile Mr Trump himself described her speech as “absolutely incredible”.

Mr Trump faceva bene a non crederci: “il pensiero”, “l’esperienza” e ognuno dei “sentimenti personali” di sua moglie erano stati espressi da Michelle Obama alla convention democratica nel 2008 – con l’aiuto della speechwriter Sarah Hurwitz.
Sono stati applauditi freneticamente da quelli che da mesi insultano e diffamano Michelle Obama e per copiarli c’era voluta un’intera squadra.

In an initial statement issued at 2am, Jason Miller, the campaign’s senior communications adviser and Trump’s speechwriter, had said Melania Trump’s speech included “fragments” of others’ speeches that “reflected her own thinking”, though did not directly answer accusations of plagiarism.

Miller added that the speech was produced by Melania Trump’s “team”. This runs counter to her own statements in an interview with NBC prior to the speech, in which she claimed to have written the speech herself.

Poche ore prima Mrs Trump sosteneva di averlo scritto quasi da sola, ma BBC riproduce il duo, come la CNN e il Guardian, che ci va a nozze, visti il tema e l’entusiasmo del pubblico:

The speeches were so alike that some people have suggested it must have been a deliberate ploy by a saboteur speechwriter.

That seems a little far-fetched. The speech also included the line “He will never, ever give up. And, most importantly, he will never, ever let you down.” (nota: da una canzone di Rick Ahsley, rif. prossimo link)

Whoah. Someone’s Rickrolling the nation? If so, it’s unlikely to be Melania. Or accidental.

Will this derail the Trump campaign? It has survived worse. All the times Trump opens his mouth, for a start.

Do say: “Could we just get that speechwriter to be president? God knows we could all do with a laugh.”

Don’t say: “We need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow, because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.” Because Michelle Obama already said that.

E perché Mrs Trump l’ha ripetuto pari pari. Rif. anche ScopesThe Washington PostThe New York Times che prevede un “You are fired!” e l’ilarità su twitter che “goes nut“.
Laurie Penny ha seguito l’evento “Women for Trump“, era “quasi vuoto”. Lo so, non vuol dire, ma “God knows we could all do with a laugh,” e Paul Manafort, speechwriter in chief della campagna Trump che approva ogni discorso, si è giustificato così

“(Melania Trump) was speaking in front of 35 million people last night; she knew that. To think that she would be cribbing Michelle Obama’s words is crazy.  I mean, it’s so — I mean, this is, once again, an example of when a woman threatens Hillary Clinton, how she seeks out to demean her and take her down. It’s not going to work.

Funziona, funziona, da ieri Hillary Clinton e i suoi spin-doctors sono gli unici a parlare d’altro.

Rif. anche The Economist. Come titolo interno aveva usato “Mrs Trump: Ctl C, Ctl V”, perfetto secondo me, poi cambiato in “Melania Trump’s excruciating blunder”. Poca gente e pure maleducata, lamenta il cronista,

The afternoon had been dominated by a row between the convention’s organisers and a group of delegates from Virginia and elsewhere, whose effort to register their dissent against Mr Trump had been ridden over roughshod.

Nel dissenso calpestato della Virginia (dell’Alaska, del Colorado e altri stati) c’era quello dell’inquisitore scornato di Michael Mann, Ken BigCoal Cuccinelli, molto indignato perché il Donald non è un buon cristiano, immagino.

It was noisy, nasty and…  often low-grade speaking. Mrs Trump’s speech, by comparison, was at least peaceful. But then things went badly wrong for her, her husband, and what is already shaping up to be a strange, modestly provisioned and poorly attended convention from which most of the party’s luminaries are absent.

I luminari stanno affilando i coltelli, a loro non basta che il capo della comunicazione abbia scaricato il copia-incolla sul “team”, accusando così Mrs Trump di essere altrettanto bugiarda del marito. E non basta ai media:

America’s media, long bullied and abused by Mr Trump, and now delighting in his embarrassment, are going to want to see more of a climb-down than that.

“Maybe [this is] the funniest fuck up in the history of political conventions,” tweeted the conservative commentator David Frum. It really was.

David Frum, speechwriter per il presidente George W. Bush – che insieme al fratello Jeb ha disegnato la convention e sta tramando con i “luminari” – twitta pure altro veleno.

2 commenti

    1. Stefano,
      forse il commento andava sotto le scie chimiche? Per quanto riguarda l’articolo sul Fatto Q,
      il National Research Council ha già detto che è una cag… boiata – per dirla con Mike Mann, uno degli autori del rapporto.
      Brennan faceva meglio a star zitto, trovo. La CIA aveva già provato a controllare il clima del sud-est asiatico (google: Operation Popeye) e ha smesso solo dopo questo articolo di Seymour Hersh.

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