Il 7 febbraio il dott. Montanari aveva annunciato che non si sarebbe più occupato di vaccini perché dopo gli articoli di Orac arrivavano troppe mail di vaccinisti irriverenti:
Se finora non era successo (quasi) niente, è stata la pubblicazione di New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination, a scatenare un vero e proprio pandemonio a livello mondiale.
Smut Clyde l’aveva previsto:
Now Montanari is trying to “out-prolix” Orac. That never ends well.
Dunque, vi prego, accettate la mia resa e, magari, piantatela anche di massacrarmi di mail in cui mi chiedete se dovete vaccinare o no il canarino, il pesce rosso o vostro figlio. A me non interessa un fico secco.
Ma su pressione delle masse credulone popolari, pareva cambiare idea e andava Bruxelles per parlare con il falsario Andrew Wakefield e Luc Montagnier che sta alla memoria dell’acqua come Josephson alla fusione fredda. L’incontro al vertice è avvenuto
quasi clandestinamente
Come mai, chiede un commentatore, forse al corrente del fatto che la proiezione di Vaxxed non fosse stata vietata, ma solo spostata in altra sede. Risposta:
Magari s’informi, non da me, su che cosa ha fatto il Parlamento della moribonda Europa
(Riuscirà Mauro Toffanin – che ringrazio per il fou-rire lo scoop – a scoprire quale orrendo delitto abbia commesso, all’unanimità, il Parlamento della moribonda?)
Al suo rientro dalla quasi clandestinità, il dott. Montanari ha trovato
una raffica di minacce di una gravità assoluta che mettono a serio rischio anche le nostre ricerche sulle leucemie, sulle malattie dei soldati e quant’altro.
Così, devo fare una scelta: o continuo a raccontare che cosa c’è nei vaccini e abbandono il resto o accetto la sconfitta e posso continuare almeno con il resto.[…] D’ora in poi, io sono fuori.
Anche prima, temo.
Per Ong (non solo Action Aid).
Il 6 febbraio – giornata contro le mutilazioni genitali, sarà una coincidenza? – Nature Ecology and Evolution ha pubblicato uno studio di Janet Howard e Mhairi Gibson. Hanno confrontato la trasmissione dell’usanza – maggiore se la madre l’ha subita, ma si sapeva – e la fitness riproduttiva di 10.067 donne mutilate, tra 40 e 49 anni, in 47 gruppi etnici in Mali, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Senegal e Costa d’Avorio.
La fitness è maggiore sia nei gruppi con la percentuale di mutilate più elevata che in quelli con la percentuale più bassa. Fuori dalle estremità della curva, si avvicina via via a quella delle donne non mutilate:
at 50% ethnic FGC prevalence, women with and without FGC have similar fitness. Interestingly, mid-range FGC prevalence is uncommon; in our sample, only 4% of ethnic groups have an FGC frequency between 45 and 55%, and the same distribution is found among a further 18 DHS [Demographic and Health Surveys] countries. This implies that prevalence in ethnic groups is moving towards either 0 or 100%, and accordingly we suggest that eradication policy should seek to reduce prevalence among ethnic groups to less than 50%. If individuals are then disproportionately likely to acquire the most common behaviour, FGC frequency will gradually reduce over time. Time series data, however, would be necessary to confirm this prediction.
I dati usati nel modello e per le statistiche provengono da Demographic and Health Surveys, non sono precisissimi in quei paesi e le variabili confondenti sono decine, ma non so come potrebbero spiegare un terzo di figli vivi in più. Concludono:
Our results demonstrate how evolutionary and cultural forces can drive the persistence of harmful behaviours.
Rif. anche il commento di Katherine Wander.
Fa un caldo tremendo in Australia (e non solo), è vero, ma la mappa color viola allarmista – riservato per convenzione a >50°C – è stata prodotta da una ditta privata, non è quella ufficiale del BOM.
Interessante e almeno per me sorprendente l’articolo sulla mutilazione dei genitali. Sono questioni complesse e delicate e bisogna andarci con i piedi di piombo.
sono sorpresa anch’io – non dalla conclusione, fra parecchi animali i comportamenti “costosi” aumentano la fitness, ma dal secondo risultato. Mi chiedo quanto siano affidabili i dati dei surveys
@Sylvie: “e andava Bruxelles per parlare con il falsario Andrew Wakefield e Luc Montagnier che sta alla memoria dell’acqua come Josephson alla fusione fredda. L’incontro al vertice è avvenuto [quasi clandestinamente]”
That is another lie from Montanari. A subtle one a dare to say. He wasn’t invited by the European Commission to talk about vaccines in Bruxelles, nor invited by Wakefield or Montagnier. He went to a conference, in Bruxelles but not at the European Parliament, as a speaker: The conference has been organised by Michèle Rivasi, a member of the European Parliament. There has never been an endorsement from EC in the first place.
That… explains the “quasi clandestinamente” exclamation 😀
Sylvie already mentioned, in a previous comment, the quackery about electro-smog believed by Rivasi:
“Magari s’informi, non da me, su che cosa ha fatto il Parlamento della moribonda Europa”
Bho, è difficile capire a cosa faccia riferimento Montanari. Ipotizzo all’evento che vide la proiezione di Vaxxed al parlamento europeo boicottata, ma Montanari ha sempre negato di essere anti-vaccinista quindi non si capisce perché faccia l’indignato.
Oppure fa riferimento all’altra balla che ha racontato nei giorni scorsi, cioè che l’EMA l’aveva invitato per una collaborazione attiva sulla questione della sicurezza dei vaccini, ma si è poi saputo da fonti attendibili (verranno pubblicate le email a breve) che l’EMA ha negato tale eventualità.
Buone notizie che ce ne sono sempre:
Grazie, Cimpy.
l’EMA ha negato tale eventualità
colour me surprised.
“Colour me surprised”
Even more surprising is Antonietta Gatti official statement about vaccines and autism; beware, hilarity ensued and NSFW:
So, we finally see Gatti’s true colours. She acknowledges the fraudulent work of Wakefield as “scientifically accurate”. She also believes that autism cases are still growing at an alarming “exponential rate”; indeed, it’s so bad that by 2032 the percentage of children with an ASD diagnosis will be estimated to be 50% of the entire infant population. 1 kid out of 2 will be autistic! Scary stuff!!! Obviously, she blames some fanciful government-coordinated conspiracy that aims to mock and bully all the true-authentic-saint-scientists™ that dare to spoke openly on the matter — like her and her husband.
Last but not least, Gatti and Montanari are already crying wolf and spreading rumours that they need support to fight back the impalpable conspiracy (and the nano-things hidden in the shadows of your kitchen plotting to kill you, don’t forget them!); a new fundraising is undergoing, or is planned to be launched very soon. Gatti-Montanari want to buy a new ESEM! Oh gosh, another one; it’s the third so far! Apparently, after the publications on MedCrave, the university of Urbino has scolded the two researched and threaten them to withhold the access to the ESEM if they don’t comply to rigorous scientific publications.
Well, all the psycho-dramas surrounding Gatti-Montanari seem to never come to an end, that much is clear.
The conference has been organised by Michèle Rivasi
I am not entirely convinced of the sincerity of politicians who build their careers out of repeating counter-factual, bad-faith attacks on vaccines, and then point to their long record of anti-vaccine press releases as proof that “Public confidence in vaccines is declining! We need to take steps to rebuild it! Put us in charge of that task!”
There is an class action in France leaded by antivaccinalists about a vaccine Meningitec (started in late 2015 and not yet finished) and their advocate had asked to Montanari an expertise. This expertise (transmitted to their advocate in march 2016) said that there were a lot of toxins in this vaccine. So, the french agency for the security of the medical products (ANSM) had to do urgently new expertises which concluded that the expertise of Montanari had insufficienties in the methodology. (18/07/2016) :
Plus récemment, l’ANSM a été alertée, notamment dans le cadre d’une plainte, de l’existence de signes généraux chez des enfants vaccinés par Méningitec. […] Par ailleurs, deux analyses ont été menées par les laboratoires[2] du Pr Alvarez (Hôpital Raymond Poincaré – Garches) et du Dr Montanari (Laboratoires Nanodiagnostics – Modene) sur des échantillons du vaccin Méningitec. Ces analyses ont été portées à la connaissance de l’ANSM. Du fait de leurs conclusions contradictoires, l’ANSM a procédé à des analyses complémentaires sur le vaccin Méningitec, incluant une recherche élargie de traces métalliques, afin d’apporter des données qualitatives et quantitatives. […] L’ANSM a réalisé des analyses de seringues de Méningitec provenant de trois lots différents ainsi que, à titre comparatif, l’analyse de cinq autres vaccins, d’un médicament injectable non vaccinal et de sérum physiologique injectable. […] Les résultats obtenus, par ces deux techniques sensibles et complémentaires, montrent la présence de métaux à l’état de traces dans tous les médicaments injectables analysés, y compris le sérum physiologique. Ainsi, il n’apparait pas de spécificité du vaccin Méningitec par rapport aux autres produits testés ni d’hétérogénéité notable entre les différents échantillons de ce même vaccin. […] Conclusions: Le CSST, réuni à nouveau le 13 mai 2016, a étudié les résultats des analyses conduites sur le vaccin Méningitec par l’ANSM, le Pr Alvarez et le Dr Montanari. Les données présentées dans le rapport du Dr Montanari ont été considérées comme difficilement interprétables en raison de problèmes méthodologiques. Sur la base des analyses réalisées par le Professeur Alvarez et par l’ANSM, les experts confirment l’absence d’éléments pouvant être à l’origine d’une toxicité de Méningitec.
“Curtain”? Yes, curtain about the Montinari’s study for the ANSM !
Thanks Camille, I’ll use the news for a feature in Oggi Scienza.
the expertise of Montanari had insufficienties in the methodology.
I suppose language like “incompetent grifter” is not encouraged in medico-legal discussion.
for Smut clyde:
No, not “grifter”, just incompetent, because his study was made without any control group and without any quantification, ie without the methodology used for scientific studies. So his conclusions, contradictory with the other study of Professor Alvarez and those of the ANSM, could not be taken into consideration and has been rejected as if they deserved no more than to be forgotten, to be put in the trash.
This conclusion of the ANSM is important because it was this study that was invoked by the avocate, Mr. Ludot, in a class action of people who thought that their conditions had something to do with an earlier Meningitec vaccination. And it is also because of this collective action that the ANSM chose to examine precisely the Montanari’s study.
For Ocasapiens
Stephano Montanari and Antonietta Gatti are now member the of Scientific Council of a Swiss Association (STELIOR) of autism and anti-vaccine cranks You probably know some of them, at least the Italians. Massimo Montinari was also a member of this council until 2009.
grifter (arnaqueur) sounds right for someone who falsely claims to be an expert.
Apart from their fake award, at Stelior Gatti’s affiliation is “Maître de conférence au Conseil national de Recherche de l’Italie”, but CNR denies it, she has no “teaching contract” at Urbino, and the Institut Convergence Sciences Avancées is a scam, see Smut Clyde’s post.
I wonder why there are so many Italian dentists in Stelior’s scientific committee.
Look also at the price of the laboratory analyzes that STELIOR ask to make and for what kinds of analyzes (Urine Toxic Metals, Saliva Tests, Hair Tests, etc.). The addresses of laboratories where they must be made are now communicate only by private mail. When these addresses were still communicated publicly I had seen them and it was doubtful laboratories of course, some in the Stephen Barrett’s list.
Why so many italian dentists?
Because the woman (Elke Arod) at the head of Stelior thinks that it is because she had dental amalgams and that she contaminated her son while she was pregnant and breastfeeding. She is convinced that this is why her son became hyperactive, which she classifies as a Autism Spectrum Disorder.
She has created a school where she trains people to her method. Dentists give classes there, and also a renowned Swiss Dentist: Prof. Samy Sandhaus (, and I assume she sends the parents of autistic children and the autistic children to these dentists to do dental amalgam deposits, that is for them customers. This school also trains there are also nutritionists who propose diets supposed to help detoxifing the body of heavy metals …
Marie Grosman (member of the scientific Council of STELIOR) is at the head of the association Non au mercure dentaire (No To the dental mercury)
Look here: antivaccine and anti-amalgam cranks: (les deux associations qui soignent les enfants autistes par des méthodes non prouvées) etc. etc.
Here on the left a link to a german medical Laboratory where Stelior sends the patients to do their analyses : Laboratoire “Micro-Traces” (Test de Mobilisation des Métaux), the real name is “Micro Trace Minerals”.
A laboratory in link with the dutch I.B.C.M.T. (leaded by Peter Van der Schaar which is specialized in chelation therapies.
Other subject, in link with Marco Ruggiero, la doctoressa Gabriella Lesmo a DAN! Doctor (Milan and Swiss)
You probably know some of them
Boyd Haley is the most familiar name for Anglo observers.
the Institut Convergence Sciences Avancées is a scam, see Smut Clyde’s post.
Try this link, Syvie:
Other members of the Scientific Council of Stelior, familiar for Anglo observers, are Paul Shattock (UK) and Karl Ludwig Reichelt (Sweden) who published a lot of studies about Gluten-free, casein-free diet for autism spectrum conditions. The ANSM (French Agency for the Safety of Health Products) evaluated the publications of Reichelt and co. and found them of low scientific quality …
I will not write anymore in this forum because my English is too bad. See with the word “grifter”, the reverso translator has translated “grifter as “crook” and “con man”; and I thank you for yours explanations. But be assured that I’ll continued to read what is published there. If any of the administrators (and only them) want to communicate with me in French, I agree that they uses my email address that you have. I know that Sylvie Coyaud is a french woman …