Dal "pianeta Rossi" con quiz:

dal sito di tallbloke, specializzato nel negare l’effetto serra dei gas serra

Aggiornamento per appassionati

Nel docket sono arrivati altri documenti del processo intentato da Andrea Rossi a Industrial Heat, cioè agli unici finanziatori che hanno abboccato ai resoconti dei due collaudi della sua caldaietta a FuF. Sono stati ammessi i rapporti dei due esperti di IH, e quello dell’esperto di Rossi limitatamente a un ipotetico scambiatore di calore nell’inesistente fabbrica dell’inesistente cliente di Rossi.
Il 23 maggio la giudice Altonaga deciderà se rinviare o meno a giudizio i contendenti.

Nelle mail scambiate tra Rossi, Giuseppe Levi dell’università di Bologna e gli svedesi tra l’adescamento di questi ultimi nel 2011 e il test di Lugano nel 2014, Levi risulta l’unico “esperto” presente. Dai pagamenti ricevuti da una consociata di Rossi non risulta essere indipendente.

Accademico di rango e co-autore dei test precedenti al 2011, Sergio Focardi viene escluso da quelli successivi. Nelle mail è citato una sola volta, quando muore, e mai negli atti del processo (che ho letto).  Ha ragione Mario Massa, mi sembra: Rossi ha usato Focardi per adescare altri accademici FuFisti. Nessun italiano ha abboccato, nonostante il contratto-esca da 500 mila euro con il Dip. di Fisica di Bologna, mai firmato da Rossi.

che  bei ricordi…

Quiz per specialisti
Assente pure lui dalle mail nonostante la “certificazione del 2012 fatta a suo nome, l’ing. Fabio Penon, un consulente di Abano Terme, è molto presente nelle carte del processo, di solito con la sigla ERV per Expert Responsible for Validation.

Dal blog di Rossi, cold fusion community ricopia due commenti scritti sei giorni dopo la denuncia depositata da Rossi al tribunale di Miami West:
Soky – April 11, 2016 at 10:30 PM

Dr Andrea Rossi
Can we have the following information about the ERV that made the report:
1- education
2- has he been chosen and agreed upon by both Industrial Heat and Leonardo Corporation ?
3- has IH been able to talk with him for any complint for all the 1 year long test ?
4- has the ERV experience in plants that produce steam ?
5- has the ERV experience of nuclear reactions ?
6- who paid the ERV ?
7- has he experience of validations ?
8- how old is he ?
9- whose were the instruments he used to make the measurements ?
10- who installed the measurement instruments ?
11- did IH participate to the choice where to install the instruments ?
12- did IH maintain his personnel in the plant during all the days of the test ?
13- did IH have the right and the possibility to contact the ERV for delucidations along all the test period ?
14- is it true that IH visited multiple times the plant in operation with their investors ?
15- is it true that they collected 50 million dollars from Woodford funds and initiated a 200 million business in China after theyr delegations visited the plant in operation ?
16- is it true that during the visit IH made also their investors talk with the director of the factory of the Customer during their visits, after which the investors gave them the money to be invested ?
Thank you very much if you can answer: your answer will clear a situation after Mr Darden has diffused information based on which IH was totally unaware of the fact that there was a test on course based on the agreement.

 April 12, 2016 at 10:15 AM

All your questions have been answered already, but “repetita juvant”:
1- doctorate in nuclear engineering, obtained with 110/110 summa cum laude in the Alma Mater of Bologna (Italy). Note : the University of Bologna is one of the main Italian universities and in particular the Faculty of nuclear engineering is considered very selective
2- yes
3- yes
4- yes
5- yes
6- 50% IH, 50% Leonardo Corporation
7- yes
8- I think around 55
9- the ERV used only his instruments, and retrieved them at the end of the test to control their status
10- The ERV, helped by personnel of Industrial Heat
11- yes
12- always, every single day
13- yes
14- yes
15- yes
16- yes

Warm Regards,

Quante risposte sono smentite dagli atti?


Se vi avanza qualche milione di dollari
Brillouin Energy Corp., che commercia in licenze di vendita per un futuro boiler a FuF, ne cerca 15 entro giugno, in cambio di azioni altrettanto redditizie di quelle emesse dal 2009 al marzo scorso per un totale di $18,5 milioni.


Damian Carrington del Guardian dà una brutta notizia. Si è allagato l’ingresso della Global Seed Vault durante l’inverno artico perché il permafrost sul quale è costruito si era sciolto:

The vault is on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen and contains almost a million packets of seeds, each a variety of an important food crop. When it was opened in 2008, the deep permafrost through which the vault was sunk was expected to provide “failsafe” protection against “the challenge of natural or man-made disasters”.

But soaring temperatures in the Arctic at the end of the world’s hottest ever recorded year led to melting and heavy rain, when light snow should have been falling.

Global warming is also

Making Antarctica Green Again,

e accelerando lo scorrimento in mare dei ghiacciai dell’Antartide occidentale.

2 commenti

  1. The phony “Doctor” Rossi has reinvented himself and his pathetic E-Cat scam. Now he is a world-renowned plasma physicist, and his goofy “E-Cat” devices run on “zero-point energy.” Please see his latest masterpiece on ResearchGate (RG): https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330601653_E-Cat_SK_and_long-range_particle_interactions
    With over 58,000 Reads on RG, the old fraudster’s preprint is the most widely read physics paper in the history of RG. Who knew that so many RG members would be so incredibly interested in the latest version of Rossi’s E-Cat scam?
    Even more amusing, Rossi’s latest version of his E-Cat produces 4 kW of electric power directly from zero-point energy, and it only occupies a 100-cc volume that somehow contains a “plasma” at 20,000 K and 10,000 hand-soldered electrical connections (!!).
    I can provide more details if you’d like.

    1. Thanks for the update, F. Zoepfl.
      Who knew that so many RG members would be so incredibly interested in the latest version of Rossi’s E-Cat scam?
      Let’s be optimistic, most of them might be as amused as you are, 4 kW out of 20,000 K is a pretty bad EROI.
      I can provide more details if you’d like.
      Please do. Has he found a customer for his little blue bin?

      Eventuali interessanti
      Patafisica, ultima versione.

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