Un editoriale di Nature chiama alla mobilitazione contro l’indagine decisa da Trump sui vaccini che causerebbero l’autismo e su un’immaginaria falsificazione dei dati (refrain), affidata al complottista anti-vax Robert Kennedy Jr. Dopo il solito elenco di ricerche che dimostrano il contrario e dei costi delle epidemie dovute alla non vaccinazione, conclude:
Scientists, medics and commentators who have fought vaccine disinformation in the past must take a deep breath and return to the fray. There is no need to wait for this commission to be announced officially. There is no need to wait until it issues its findings. There is no cause to be surprised if it shows little regard for science — or even if it targets scientists who speak out in favour of vaccination. Those who claim a link between vaccines and autism can do so only by discrediting the scientific evidence and, often, the scientists who gathered it. Kennedy’s reference to investigating vaccine safety “and scientific integrity” provides ample warning of what is to come. Scientists should get their retaliation in first. Lives are at stake.
Quanti sono i “medics” e commentatori antivax legati a/pagati da produttori di ciarlatanerie?
Scienziati ed economisti sono chiamati a mobilitarsi a proposito del costo sociale del carbonio (SCC) che il governo Obama aveva stabilito in $36 per tonnellata di CO2
to estimate the costs and the benefits of a wide variety of government decisions that affect greenhouse-gas emissions, including climate regulations targeted at the fossil-fuel industry.
Trump ha promesso di annullarle.
And in a memo last November, issued before former industry lobbyist Thomas Pyle was selected to lead Trump’s transition team for the same department, Pyle said that Trump could seek to limit the use of the social cost of carbon in federal rule-making. “If the SCC were subjected to the latest science, it would certainly be much lower than what the Obama administration has been using,” Pyle wrote.
This is simply not true.
Non è vero, ma il prossimo capo dell’EPA è pagato da Big Oil & Coal.
VU: vulnerabili; EN: minacciate (di estinzione); CR: criticamente minacciate
Su Science Advances, Claudia Barelli del MUSE di Trento e decine di primatologi stimano che circa il 60% delle specie di primati sono a rischio di estinzione:
Globally, agriculture is the principal threat, but secondary threats vary by region. For example, livestock farming and ranching negatively affect 59% of primate species in the Neotropics. In contrast, in mainland Africa, Madagascar, and Asia, hunting and trapping affect 54 to 90% of the species. Logging is the third greatest threat to primates in all regions…
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